Located in Cerquilho, São Paulo, Brazil, Cipatex® started its activities in 1964 manufacturing synthetic laminates. At the end of 1987, Cipatex® became a group of companies with more than 100 thousand square meters of production area, working in the plastic, chemical and nonwovens industries, also serving the domestic and international markets in several segments, including footwear, handbags and accessories, home appliances, construction, furniture, clothing, automotive, adhesives, childcare, sports and leisure, gifts, school and visual communication.
The following companies are part of group today: Cipatex Impregnadora de Papéis e Tecidos, Cipatex Impregnadora de Papéis e Tecidos – Affiliate, Cipatex do Nordeste, Cipatex Nova Hartz, Cipatex Adesivos, Cipatex of America, DuPont Cipatex, Petrom - Petroquímica de Mogi das Cruzes and the distributor Dinaplast, in Argentina. More than an industrial complex, the Cipatex® Group is a professional, strong and determined hub, whose spirit of competitiveness has the innovation as its trademark, and as its purpose, to surpass themselves every day.
With a soft touch, this is the best canvas option for the small and medium-sized awning segment, as it allows flexibility and malleability without leaving marks in the folds.
High mechanical strength canvas, suitable for all kinds of small, medium and large canopies. A canvas with flat profile that makes handling, cutting and welding easy. It can be used as a retractable curtain.
Laminated with high transparency, used in the manufacturing of awnings, curtains and visors. It has excellent weldability and flexibility, which makes its application easier.
Lona acrílica que possui grande resistência ao sol e máxima impermeabilidade para utilização em áreas externa
*nº rev. 10 - 07/14 09/16
Lona desenvolvida para bloquear a passagem de luz (blackout) é indicada para confecção de tendas até 10 x 10 m. Alta resistência ao rasgo, mecânica e excelente soldabilidade.
Resistência: Elevada resistência mecânica devido ao uso de tecidos com reforço de poliéster de alta tenacidade.
Manuseio: Toque macio, que facilita a soldagem e instalação da cobertura.
Durabilidade: Exclusiva formulação que conta com aditivos que aumentam a vida útil do produto.
Planacidade: Controle de qualidade que garante a regularidade da espessura do laminado com reforço e consequentemente a sua planicidade.
Filme 100% blackout: Reduz a temperatura no interior do galpão.
*Disponível também sem blackout.
IP: Índice de propagação superficial de chama
DM: Densidade óptica especifica máxima.
IP: 45
DM: 352
Now the products Sol & Chuva© UP DF and FL comes with an exclusive brand that attests to the quality and durability of their products. That way, you know that you are getting an original product and it will fit 100% in your project.
Cipatex Ltda
Rua Arlindo Campana, 219 - Distrito Industrial
Cerquilho - SP - Brazil - CEP 18520-000
Tel. +55 15 3284 9000 | WhatsApp +55 15 9.9856-7930